Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Madeline Olivia!

Twelve years ago, we welcomed into this world our firstborn: Madeline Olivia Hooten. We knew she was a "she" as I HAD to know ahead of time! We couldn't wait to meet our "Maddie", named after my beloved mamaw, Madeline June Grady. After 34 hours of LABOR, she arrived on her due date. (I made a note to myself about her being stubborn, yet punctual!)

She has been such a wondrous addition to our lives. She is independent and opinionated, yet kind and compassionate. She has a great sense of humor, but HATES surprises. She's inquisitive and questions everything. So, I've learned that "because" is NEVER a suitable answer! She's intelligent, yet I worry about common sense skipping a generation! She loves to take care of little kids. She has tutored & mentored fellow students. She's learning to be responsible with chores and lots of homework. She challenges herself to try new things (except for riding a bike!) She dove right into cross country this year and we were so proud of her endurance and hard work.

Her favorite word is "No" (at least it's the one I hear the most!)

Her favorite color is Pink
Her favorite food is ice cream or chocolate or bread
She loves to watch winter ice sports! If there were a curling school nearby, she'd apply!
She loves the rodeo -- that's MY girl!
She loves school and her friends
She LOVES Jesus
She loves being quirky!

We love her!

Happy Birthday Maddie, MaddieMoo, MadHatter, Mad, Maddazzle!

Here's a photo tribute to Maddie through the years:


  1. thank u mommy!!! i love the slide show!

    WHEN'S CAKE??????

    --MADDIE THE 12

  2. happy 12th birthday maddie! you are a beautiful girl inside & out!
    jill, what a slideshow! so sweet. her poor legs at camp!! & i love the clean room - mine was never that way as a preteen/teen! your children are blessed to have such an awesome momma!

  3. Sara: Mad would be very quick to point out that her momma's room isn't that clean either!! I will pass along the birthday wishes! Can't believe it's been 12 years!! When I think of how fast the next few years will go, I want to hold on desperately to every moment!!

  4. SPECTACULAR....the slideshow AND the B-day girl featured in it!!! :) Love it all, Jill, and we just adore that wonderful, bubbly, smiley, giggly, big-hearted 12 year old girl across the way. She is the light in so many of our days and truly just a kindred spirit that has blessed our lives in so many ways. We love you, Mad! :) I knew you were a special girl from the moment we met you as a wee young lass back in 2001 and to see how you've grown and become this amazing, Christian young lady. Well, it's a prediction of even better times to come for you! I know you'll go far with your great attitude and willingness to serve. Loved all the pics and the wonderful tribute to our fav. 12 year old! You're tops in our book, Maddie. Love, The Stegs Across the Way. P.S. Maybe you and Ash can learn to ride bikes together? She's about ready to ride :) Oh...and now I know where she gets her scrunchy-nose-face :) From you! :) Love ya!!!
